The Spanish Waterdog

Yerba del Pipa Casita, Spaanse Waterhond en moeder van Shira en Chico

The Perro de Agua Espaņol, or Spanish Waterdog, is used as a help for fisherman, a shepherd and as a hunting and retrieving dog. He guards when necessary.

As a help for fisherman he works with the nets, gets them out of the water. He dives up everything that falls of the boat, like tools.

 The Spanish Waterdog is prepared to do everything for it owner. Because of this, he is used for all the work man could find for him. The Spanish waterdog can turn its paw to anything!

 The breed is of medium heights (between 40 and 50cm) and are build normally. The coat doesn't shed, but grows about a cm a month.

The coat is always curly or woolly and forms cords when long. These cords should be torn apart (when necessary). Clipping is allowed, but it always has to be complete and even. Grooming for esthetic reasons is forbidden. 

The dogs should not be groomed. Washing the dogs with just clear water once in a while is enough. The dogs don't have a typical 'dogs smell'.