
Dutch Champion
VDH-Europa Jugend Sieger 2013
Winster 2014

Cita, 8 months old in Leiden (best puppy)


Carmencira (Cita) is born on the 10th of July 2012.

Carmencita is a daughter of Ch. Candy and Ch. Espaņol de las Brisas del Mar.
Her pedigree-name is Carmencita Del Alto Norte.

Cita 5 months

She is a nice, playfull young dog. She can go on and on running and playing, does not mather with whom ;-)

Cita 4 maanden

Carmencita is free of eye-diseases (ECVO) and prcd-PRA genotype N/N (free).

Cita 5 weeks

Cita 20 months






